Since 1999 this amount of investment has not been, and in just the first quarter of 2021, Mexico obtained an investment of $11.864 million dollars, which means an annual increase of 14.8%.


The Ministry of Economy informed that 59.2% of FDI came from reinvestment of profits, from new investments 18.6% and by accounts between companies, 22.2%.


By sector, manufacturing accounted for 46.6%; financial and insurance services (14.6%); mining (13.9%); trade (11.5%); energy (3.4%); and temporary accommodation services (3.2%). The remaining sectors captured (6.8%).


Despite this, Jorge Molina Larrondo, specialist in Public policy and International trade at Tec de Monterrey, pointed out that these data should be viewed with caution, since most of the FDI was concentrated in reinvestment of profits, that is, it was used to maintain and ‘restart’ investments that had already installed in the country.


However, we can say that there are aspects that we can take care of and enhance in order to conserve and reinvestment, i.e., it was used to maintain and restart investments that were already installed in the country.


However, we can say that there are aspects that we can take care of and enhance in order to conserve and redirect foreign investments in a successful way.

FDI:  Foreing Direct Investment

IED: Inversión Extranjera Directa


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