Shimpent Security

EXL Group follows the customs-trade partnership against terrorism (C-TPAT) and Organization of American States (OAS) border security standards. We Ensure the safe shipment of materials and goods without posing any threat to the country's commerce.

EXL values data protection and implemented a tier 3 cybersecurity system that has dual-powered servers and backup systems. EXL has a yearly uptime of 99.98% meaning that clients can safeguard their data and stay up to date in all processes as needed.

GPS electronic seals
EXL has GPS electronic seals that use geolocation to track the location of the trailer. Granting customers the ability to monitor the whereabouts of the load.

Business Continuity
EXL Group has a dedicated team of experts that can plan and implement a strategic business plan that prevents errors and improves operations. EXL is prepared to respond to unexpected circumstances, thus stiving to provide the best service to our clients.

Anti-bribery Policy
We do not tolerate bribery or any unethical payment process from individuals or entities. We have a moral code and we ensure that our team follows it accordingly.

Anti-corruption Policy
EXL Group does not tolerate illegal transactions. EXL offers a trustworthy working environment and prohibits unethical behavior. EXL believes in a fair system, thus conducting business with integrity and responsibility.