Mexico is not missing investment opportunities in the rearrangement of supply chains, as is the case of semiconductors, as it will take advantage of the peripheral industry around the manufacture of components, said the Ministry of Economy (SE).
While participating in a forum organized by the Confederación Patronal de la República Mexicana, Mónica Duhem, head of the Global Economic Intelligence Unit of the federal agency, indicated that the administration of US President Joe Biden has "a very aggressive incentive strategy to attract the manufacturing of components as important such as semiconductors in the United States".
"We are identifying within the semiconductor sector, where the opportunities are for Mexico. There are opportunities in packaging, in testing, we are working with multinational companies that manufacture semiconductors to see where Mexico's competitive advantages are," he added.
Comentó que ya existen varias empresas instaladas en México que pueden hacerse cargo del diseño, validación, pruebas, empaque y encapsulación de semiconductores.
Duhem señaló que la crisis de contenedores, que cuadruplicó el costo de trasladar mercancías de Asia a Occidente, "es una oportunidad para México", ya que sus socios comerciales buscan tener insumos más cercanos en la cadena de suministro global.
El funcionario señaló que los inversionistas extranjeros tienen confianza en el país.